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Discover the reasons why to join the Caribbean Council

“The networking with other members alone is fantastic!

The region is set for growth, development and opportunities; and the Caribbean Council is a longstanding trusted organisation working across sectors.”

Who We Are

The Caribbean Council is the premier membership network for responsible international businesses and investors operating in the Caribbean and Central America.

Founded in 2000, we offer our members the connections and insights which they need to trade and invest across the region sustainably and with confidence.  

We are a not-for-profit organisation based in London, UK.

The Council has a commercial subsidiary, Colibri Corporate Advisory, which offers specialist advisory support and market research.

The Council has a commercial subsidiary, Colibri Corporate Advisory, which offers specialist advisory support and market research.

Our Values

Our Major Investor Group Members

How to get Involved


The Caribbean Council’s membership services build beneficial relationships and two-way trade and investment between international companies and their Caribbean and Central American partners. We have been connecting quality businesses in the Caribbean and Central America since 2000.

Associate Membership

The Caribbean Council offers Associate Membership to high quality and trusted service providers in the Caribbean and Central America who are able to support overseas companies as they trade and invest in the region. 

Country Partnership

The Council is able to offer Caribbean Governments a series of benefits to support you in your efforts to engage with potential investors and quality business partners; and to raise the profile of your country as a great location for businesses to base their regional or hemispheric operations.


The Caribbean Council has been a market-leading source of research and analysis on the Caribbean, Cuba and Central America since 1974.We provide members with weekly and fortnightly digests of political developments, business news and investment opportunities across the region.

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