Meeting the rapidly evolving dispute resolution needs of arbitration users worldwide.

Sector: Business Services   

The BVI International Arbitration Centre was established to meet the rapidly evolving dispute resolution needs of arbitration users worldwide. The Centre meets the demands of the international business community for a neutral, impartial, efficient and reliable dispute resolution institution in the Caribbean, Latin America and at the cross-roads of the Americas. The BVI offers a quality legal framework and a stable political environment as a British Overseas Territory in an UNCITRAL jurisdiction and party to the NY Convention. Users of the BVI IAC arbitration clause benefit from arbitration-friendly legislations that improve ease of business and support. The BVI IAC’s panel of diverse arbitrators represents 43 countries, speaking more than 46 languages and is the most gender diverse panel in the world.

Contact the Caribbean Council at for an introduction to the key person at BVI International Arbitration Centre.

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