Latest on Hurricane Beryl | Donation & Support Information – How to Help

4th July 2024

Dear Members and Friends

As you will have followed in the media, Hurricane Beryl has caused widespread damage, destruction, power outages and disruption to water supplies and telecommunications in the South Eastern Caribbean. After hitting Barbados with high winds and storm surge, the hurricane continued its path, causing further damage in Dominica, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and more extensively to Grenada.  The most severe devastation have been in Grenada’ sister islands of, Carriacou and Petite Martinique,  and the Grenadine islands of Union and Bequia. 

The impact on Jamaica has been less severe than feared, however some parishes,  Manchester and St Elizabeth have suffered serious damage.   

We wait to hear the read-out this morning from the Cayman Islands where the storm continues to rage.   It is expected to pass within 50 miles of the South of Cayman and to be over by 4pm UK time.  

The scenes of the devastation across the islands are heartbreaking with many people left homeless, many businesses destroyed, and seven people killed.   Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected and their families. 

At the time of writing, the main information we have been able to gather so far is as follows:


The storm caused severe damage to the south coast and significantly affected the fishing industry, with over 200 fishing vessels damaged or destroyed.


The northern parishes of St. Patrick, St. David, and St. Andrew on Grenada’s main island experienced significant housing and agricultural losses. 

Hurricane Beryl caused extreme damage to Carriacou and Petit Martinique, with 70% and 97% of buildings damaged, respectively, and severe agricultural destruction. Satellite images from the Copernicus damage assessment highlight the widespread devastation. 

Emergency relief items are urgently needed, significantly as water supplies have been disrupted since Sunday and shelter.

St Vincent and the Grenadines: 

Hurricane Beryl caused widespread devastation across St. Vincent and the Grenadines, with Union Island, Canouan and Mayreau bearing the brunt of the impact. 

In Union Island’s Clifton, critical infrastructure such as schools and hospitals were destroyed, leaving residents without essential services like electricity, water, and communication. The destruction of rainwater harvesting systems has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, leaving many vulnerable to health risks.   The airport terminal and power plant on Union Island is reportedly extensively damaged.  

On Canouan, almost all buildings sustained damage, with roofs ripped off and severe shortages of water and electricity affecting daily life. Essential services like ATMs and supermarkets are closed, forcing residents to seek shelter in compromised locations such as leaking buildings.

Approximately 1,750 people are currently housed in 71 public evacuation centres across the islands, underscoring the urgent need for humanitarian aid. Ongoing assessments are underway. So far it is estimated that 90% of the housing stock is damaged in the most affected islands, with 100% of the people in need.

These communities urgently require tarpaulins, roofing materials, and basic supplies to address immediate needs and ensure safety.


Jamaica escaped widespread damage however there are reports of dozens of housing damage, flooded and blocked roadways, fallen trees and landslides however the island.    The main damage to housing and infrastructure was in Manchester and St Elizabeth


We will be making donations to each of the following and we hope you will join us in supporting and disseminating the various initiatives to raise funds and collect resources for those affected by Hurricane Beryl. 

Please do consider the following:


Fund being managed via the High Commissioner of Grenada in the UK:

Grenada Red Cross: 


Fund being set up by the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines: (will go live in next 24 hours)

SVG Friendship Foundation (UK) (UK registered charity chaired by High Commissioner Cenio Lewis). 

Bank- Lloyds Bank

Sort code – 30-98-97

Account – 61803263

Swift – LOYD GB 21031

If your company are engaged in other initiatives to support those affected and the recovery efforts, please do let us know and we will be very happy to circulate them to our membership and our wider networks. 

With best wishes

Chris and the Team at The Caribbean Council

Photo reference: Grenada