Annual Reception 2024 at the House of Lords

Caribbean Council Annual Reception - House of Lords 2024

Another successful Caribbean Council Annual Reception at the House of Lords.  

In the spirit of the Caribbean and the vibrant island of Tobago, the event was filled with the music of ‘cherry red” steel band, rum punch cocktails, inspiring speeches, and networking. Thank you to all our attendees. We hope you had a memorable and enjoyable evening of networking with the Caribbean Council.

Thank you to Guest of Honour Chief Secretary, Hon. Farley Augustine of the Tobago House of Assembly, for a wonderful and uplifting keynote speech.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Baroness Floella Benjamin for being a wonderful speaker at this year’s event.  Her Caribbean passion and insight captivated the audience, leaving a lasting impression.  

Thank you to all our sponsors including Charles Russell Speechlys and Tobago Gold.

Learn more about Investing in Tobago

Tobago, part of the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, boasts a vibrant cultural mix and is home to some of the region’s finest beaches. 

Largely untouched, Tobago offers many opportunities for investors to develop new projects – whether in the tourism space where there is demand for new hotel room capacity and new tourism attractions. In agriculture, there is an appetite for the development of new farms, agro-processing or agrotech, to improve overall production; or other areas, such as digitisation, green technology or creative industries.

For full access to Tobago’s Investment Opportunities and Expanded Market Potential, visit:

We are grateful for your time and attendance.